Our Course

Beaudesert Golf Club is a regional golf club situated in the beautiful Scenic Rim district of South East Queensland. We pride ourselves on the quality of our course and the friendliness of our staff and members.

Our Golf course offers a quality Par 72 test of golf. Excellent putting surfaces await the avid golfer who enjoys a test of the blue tees. an undulatingvalue-for-money golfing experience within a relaxing social environment. We welcome all to our 18-hole golf course and at 5,537 metres and present a testing layout which will impress the discerning golfer.

The golf course has a modern irrigation system and offers lush fairways and well- grassed greens.

Men's Blue
  • 4 Holes
  • 4 Holes
  • 72
  • 120
  • 71
Men's White
  • 2 Holes
  • 4 Holes
  • 70
  • 118
  • 69
Ladies Red
  • 4 Holes
  • 4 Holes
  • 72
  • 122
  • 73
Ladies Yellow
  • 4 Holes
  • 4 Holes
  • 72
  • 117
  • 73

Dress Standards

Appropriate smart casual dress is required. Shoes & socks are compulsory, playing with bare feet or rubber thongs is not permitted. 

Please wear an appropriate shirt or tee, a singlet is not appropriate.

Players dressed inappropriately will be asked to change at the earliest opportunity. Refusal to comply may result in the player being asked to leave the premises.

Dress Standards

Beaudesert Golf Club is a licensed club.
Only alcohol purchased at the Beaudesert Golf Club, may be consumed on the course.

Golf Hints For Faster Play

  • Be at the Golf Club at least fifteen minutes prior to your tee time.
  • You should be at the tee, ten minutes before your tee time. You can warm up there.
  • If the Fairway is clear, tee off before you are called. If the field is running early you must be at the tee ready to play.
  • To make the game move faster you should play Ready Golf. That is, if the player who should be playing first is not ready and you are, you should go ahead and hit.
  • Remember in MATCHPLAY and especially Honour Board Events the player furthest from the hole must play first (no Ready Golf).
  • Move quickly to your ball, particularly if you are required to hit first.
  • Consider what club you will use while you are walking to your ball.
  • Do not stand around watching your playing partner hit their shot. You could be at your ball deciding what club to use and having a practice swing. If you have a practice swing, do so out of sight of the player who is playing their shot.
  • If your ball is in front of another player, you can still decide the club you will most likely use and have a practice swing, while they are getting ready.
  • If a ball is lost, immediately call through the group behind. Five minutes is the maximum time permitted to look for a lost ball.
  • Remember, if you think your ball may be difficult to find or has possibly gone out of bounds, you can play a provisional ball. (This must be declared as a provisional ball at the time). If your ball happens to be lost, this will save time as you will not have to go back to replay your shot.
  • It is not necessary to mark your card before your tee shot.
  • Always be aware that when you are furthest from the hole you will be required to play first and should move to your ball quickly.
  • You should also play Ready Golf on the green. Often a player has just come out of a bunker and it is still their shot but they are raking the bunker. Another player should putt out first. It is usually easier and quicker for a player to putt out than remark their ball.
  • If you ride in a Buggy with another player, drop the other player at their ball and proceed onto your own ball without delay.
  • When you ride in a Buggy and have played a shot, don't place your club back in your bag until you are playing the next shot and need to change clubs.
  • The most important rule: KEEP UP WITH THE GROUP IN FRONT. If you have lost a fairway it is necessary to make up the lost ground.
  • The golden rule is to always keep the group in front in sight (half a fairway behind them is ideal).